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Commentary: Unleashing American Energy, Unleashing Chaos

By favoring the fossil fuel industry at the expense of the environment, public health and long-term economic growth, this order represents everything wrong with our current approach to energy policy. 

Track by Track Analysis: Killers: Hot Fuss

Hot Fuss is pure manic, dance-worthy tracks.

You’ve Seen the Billboards – But What Is Shen Yun?

Shen Yun is a dance and acrobatics performance, which purports to showcase traditional Chinese dance and culture.
Home Authors Posts by Chelsea Batchelor

Chelsea Batchelor

Chelsea is in 10th grade and in her first iJournalism class. She likes dancing, comfy sweatshirts, and chocolate. Her favorite TV shows are anything from the 80s. She wants to be the first woman on Jupiter.

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