Angry Pigeons: Jake Chisholm
Features, Journalism, Writing

Angry Pigeons: Jake Chisholm

Jake Chisholm, a sophomore at NWA, has been drumming since he was seven. In first grade, his parents enrolled him in drumming lessons at School of Rock, a popular musical institution in the US. He immediately fell in love with drumming, as he already enjoyed rock, metal and funk.

“Right now a big inspiration for me is Neil Peart, the drummer from Rush,” he said. “The way he messes with time and plays with your mind is crazy.”

Chisholm also noted Thundercat as one of his favorite artists and inspirations. He spends lots of time listening to these artists and how they play, seeking out new music through his friends or family.

“When I was little, my dad played a lot of classic rock, mostly Van Halen, which I loved,” said Chisolm. “That’s really what got me into music and drumming.”

Ten years later, he is still cultivating and refining his skills at School of Rock’s northeast Portland location. He has participated in a dozen performances, in or out of school, and has his own personal kit.

“My uncle is a music producer, and was able to get me a used one for free,” he said. “It was an insane gift.”

At a time where one snare can cost hundreds of dollars, this was a godsend for a 12-year-old aspiring drummer. Before he had an acoustic kit, Chisholm owned a worn-out electric one, which functioned poorly and made for shaky practice. 

“It was just shitty,” he said. “Playing on a fresh kit feels so much better.”

Now, he practices every day, running through songs he’s working on in Instrumental Music Collective (NWA’s school band class), or anything else he feels like playing. He enjoys sitting in his basement, experimenting with different beats. It’s therapeutic, he says.

“I try to do it once a day or every couple days,” he said. “It’s calming and it’s also a super good workout. I’ll do whatever I want, usually it’s just music I like. One song we’re doing right now that I love is “Closer to the Heart” by Rush.”

Chisholm encourages other people to get into drumming, to challenge themselves and try something new. When asked to elaborate on why he loves drumming so much, his answer was simply:


October 11, 2023

About Author

Jonas Honeyman-Colvin

Jonas Honeyman-Colvin Jonas Honeyman-Colvin is an aspiring writer and avid student.

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