This desire to step away from technology-based mediums applies to other art forms as well, as the disconnect from digital mediums can provide a much needed retreat for NWA community members.
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot touches on the feelings of a loss of communication and isolation over experimental instrumentation rooted in traditional rock and roll. Every song on this record has a very distinct and unique instrumentation, keeping the listener engaged.
The general majority of roles that Poitier portrayed in his filmography seemed restrictive, lacking those "leading qualities" audiences were used to seeing in conventionally attractive white men.
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot touches on the feelings of a loss of communication and isolation over experimental instrumentation rooted in traditional rock and roll. Every song on this record has a very distinct and unique instrumentation, keeping the listener engaged.
On Friday, February 21st, Northwest Academy is hosting its first ever Battle of the Bands competition.
Hadley Pack, the High School Activities Coordinator, had...
“Void of Course” draws its name from an astrological term that describes a period when the Moon is not making any major aspects before it transitions into the next sign.
You both huddle under the black umbrella, crumpled and splintered from years of use. The rain pours down from the skies, catching you unawares in the steaming cemetery.
"The constant gray in the sky as if it is about to fall bulging like cotton candy, trying to reach out towards the top of Big Pink. Less somber and more a comforting backdrop to day to day life."
“Void of Course” draws its name from an astrological term that describes a period when the Moon is not making any major aspects before it transitions into the next sign.
Chazelle intended this as a cautionary tale, but there is a greater harm in blending obsession with inspiration. Cinema is a powerful tool, and it’s dangerous when misinterpreted.
For the recent E/H 4 final project, students were tasked with creating an artistic response that explored the main themes presented in the class thus far, including family, home and patriarchs.
The History and Popular Music of the ’60s class learned about The Supremes' breakthrough album, Where Did Our Love Go (1964). Here are their reactions.
In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the character of Elizabeth is said to be Victor’s cousin, sister and bride. But is she anything more than an object to serve Victor’s needs and desires? Or is she simply a “shrine-dedicated lamp," existing solely as a decoration to furnish Victor’s love life?